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Mentoring Roles

The WiSE Mentoring Program model includes three types of participants:

  • Industry mentor
  • Senior student mentee
  • Junior student mentee


Industry Mentor

Industry mentors support the career development of a student. Mentors generally commit to the program for one academic year (eight months), from September to April. Mentors assist students in three key areas:

  1. Build a supportive and encouraging relationship
  2. Provide a career focus.
  3. Actively participate in the WiSE Mentoring Program


Senior Undergraduate Student Mentee

Senior undergraduate students are both mentors and mentees:

  • As mentors, their role is to help junior student mentees obtain the most out of their experience at UBC
  • As mentees, they initiate activities and discussions with their industry mentor to prepare for their entrance into the professional world. Senior student mentees may ask their mentor for advice and guidance on how to be a mentor. They may also learn professional behaviour and mentoring techniques by modeling their mentor’s techniques.


Junior Undergraduate Student Mentee

Junior students are mentored by the industry professional and the senior undergraduate study.   talk with their senior student mentor about academics and campus life.

An important goal of the WiSE Mentoring Program is to build community at UBC by having junior students continue in the program as senior students, and, eventually, as industry mentors.


WiSE Mentor Liaison

Mentors receive support from the WiSE Mentor Liaison (Ras Mulinta-Sinclair) and the WiSE Committee.


WiSE Mentoring Program Coordinator

WiSE Mentoring Program Coordinator is the contact person for mentees (Ras Mulinta-Sinclair).


WiSE Mentoring Program Committee

The WiSE Mentoring Program is administered by the WiSE Mentoring Program Committee, which includes faculty, students, and staff from the School of Engineering, the I.K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences, the Advising and Involvement Centre, and the Centre for Teaching and Learning. The committee recruits mentors, matches them with mentees, organizes events, monitors participant progress, and assists with program evaluation.

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