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Participation in a Research Project

Mentees and mentors participating in the WiSE Mentoring Program MUST participate in a longitudinal evaluation research project. The purpose of this research is to examine how formal mentoring programs contribute to young women’s academic success and their transition into professional careers or graduate study. Our study intends to measure the effectiveness of this formal WiSE mentoring program in helping young women studying in sciences and engineering achieve their academic and professional goals. The overall objectives of this evaluation are:

  1. to gain insight to the mentorship program by examining the activities and outcomes of the program;
  2. to assess the impacts of the program by identifying the successes and areas for growth, which will allow us to strengthen the services offered and methods of delivery; and
  3. to understand how the program has affected participants in terms of their immediate and long-term academic and career goals.

Given our intention of scientifically evaluating the usefulness of this program, the longitudinal study is a requirement of participation in the WiSE Mentoring Program; however, participation in the mentoring program is voluntary. Individuals can refuse to participate, or withdraw, from the program at any time, and such a decision will not affect their relationship with the University of British Columbia, either now or in the future. By withdrawing from the WiSE Mentoring Program, individuals are also withdrawing from the longitudinal study; withdrawing from the longitudinal study also means withdrawal from the WiSE Mentoring Program.

Participation in the longitudinal study involves:

  • Mentors and mentees: Pre-program online survey (20 minutes)
  • Mentors and mentees: Post-program online survey (20 minutes)
  • Mentees: one-hour focus group in late January
  • Mentors: 15-minute phone interview in February

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

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